exhibition space donated by the thisishaywardsheath.com
artistic foundation

No, it's not Rea Perlman, aka Carla, from the popular bar based
comedy 'Cheers'. It is in fact thisishaywardsheath.com's
Senior Vice President of Operations and System Architecture standing
outside the facade used for the popular bar based comedy 'Cheers',
in Boston America. Though you can't read it we can reliably inform
you that refills are free on the Kid's menu which explains why many
Americans are larger than life. The inside of the bar is nothing
like the one on the television.
You could be forgiven for thinking this is the glorious Sussex
Downs, however the trained eye will note the lack of derelict windmills
and courting couples in sexual situations. It is in fact, and rather
obviously so, Gran Sabana, Venezuela, with Mt Kukenān in the background.
In the foreground you can see Matt Gibson (our resident Alan Wicker)
wearing fashionable three quarter length cut-off trousers as is
the style in south america these days.
You spin me right round baby right round, like a record baby, right
round, round round. No, its not Peter something from 80's band Dead
or Alive but our Senior Vice President and External Communications
Director enjoying a ride on the classic Tea Cups ride at Thorpe
Park off the M25 between Staines and Chertsey.
Was this picture was taken on Mars or the moon or somewhere from out
of this world, wow look at that thing in the background. No it wasn't.
It is in fact the world's only 7 star hotel, the Burj al Arab in Dubai.
In keeping with its 7 star rating, the hotel has an Atari Pole Position
machine in the bar.
It's competition time. One of these pictures was taken outside the
real CN Tower in Toronto Canada and the other was taken in front of
the scale model of the tower at popular themed park, Thorpe Park,
off the M25 between Staines and Chertsey. Which is the real tower?
This one.
Or is it this one.
You decide. TEXT: ' I compulsively enter competitions ' to 9985574665324416398.
£10 per text, other network charges apply.
Continuing the Canadian theme this next photo was taken at Niagara
Our contributor had the falls specially turned on for this photo.
Some interesting facts about the falls; 'Niagara' is the native American
Indian word for moist. Until 1973, the falls went up instead of down.
You can buy long straws at the gift shop and actually drink the falls.
The hills are alive to the sound of Nazis. So sang that woman in The
Sound of Music. Fortunately the Nazis are long gone but the beautiful
scenery of Bavaria remains. This is King Ludwig II's Neuschwanstein
Castle in the forest of Bavaria. And yes, this bloke gets everywhere
doesn't he.
And here he is again, thisishaywardsheath.com's
very own Alan Wicker this time visiting some old ruins in Egypt. The
Egyptians are renowned for their impressive engineering achievements
and advanced sociological hierarchy. As you can see from this picture,
not only were they progressive enough to have no problem deifying
the disabled but they also pioneered the deployment of wheelchair
ramps well before the invention of the wheel chair.
This grotty pile of old rubbish is the Coliseum in Rome another one
of Alan's destinations during 2005. During its heyday the Coliseum
had spaces for over 1,500 chariots, not including disabled and mother
and baby facilities. However, due to budget cut-backs and the move
to unattended pay and display the Coliseum soon began to deteriorate
and has been closed to vehicles since 1971.
Some people we don't know actually took the time to take some photos
of themselves while on holiday and send them in. These have been taken
in a park in Barcelona. Those strange seats are by Gaudi but if you
think that's odd, go and see the church. For some reason the pictures
have a blue tint to them, very much like night time scenes in the
A-Team that have clearly been shot in the day. Coincidentally, the
entire thisishaywardsheath.com
production team were also in Barcelona during the summer.
We went to this park, the church, the beach, a harbour, a cable car,
the Olympic village, some bars, some restaurants, the picasso museum,
an ice cream shop, a supermarket, our apartment, the train station
, a taxi rank and the airport. Spain has television programmes not
available on the BBC. |