The average sized town between London and Brighton on the A272

current location: mini-roundabout

The Mini - Roundabout
(Butler's Green Rd., Paddockhall Rd., Muster Green Interchange)

Figure 1 shows the intended manoeuvres of all three vehicles. For the purpose of this exercise you are driving the orange saloon.

It is written in the Highway Code that a motorist wishing to negotiate a roundabout must give way to traffic from the right.


At this particular roundabout, this rule is rigidly adhered to at all times often resulting in a stalemate situation.

At this point all cars will be stationary. As the confusion builds you may notice male motorists edging forward slightly and apparently shouting and female motorists applying lipstick.

Figure 2 shows the mid point of the manoeuvre.

You will find that as you move so will the other waiting motorists. We urge you to take the initiative and move first. However, the more you drive in Haywards Heath the more haphazard and indecisive your driving will become. This is perfectly normal, it's better to be led than be the leader.


At this point we can take a view from all three cars. As the driver of the orange car your aim is to glare at the driver of the green car. As the driver of the green car your aim is to look forward at all times and ignore all other motorists. As the driver of the cream car your aim is to almost hit the rear off-side of the orange car.

Note the arrival of the blue car. This driver is thinking if the cream car can make it then so can I.

Figure 3 shows the end of the manoeuvre. As the driver of the orange car, you are now safely on your way towards the traffic lights near Beech Hurst. You should remain oblivious to the accident behind you.

You will notice the inevitable collision between the green and blue cars. As is customary in Haywards Heath a driving manoeuvre has been totally misjudged.

Also, despite this accident occurring less than 300 yards from the police station the police will not arrive on the scene at all. They are down at the B2 talking to local thugs.

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